Why is the narcissist nicer to everyone else than they are to you and why you the only one that knows their true colors? The answer is very simple when they start feeling comfortable when they know that they’ve got you in their pocket. That’s the only time and that is the only person that is going to see their true color. That’s when their masks fall off and that’s what you are noticing at home with everyone else? They have to keep up. They have to keep up their Perfect Image. They have to be charming and beautiful and sweet and cute and charismatic and all of those things that they are not with you. So just know that the narcissist is very aware of every single step they take and everything. They do is construed to be perfectly showing what they want to show to whoever they want to show it to they are manipulative and they know exactly what they’re doing and none of this is coincidence. It’s all strategy and agenda.